Saturday, February 19, 2011

Things to Miss

We will be leaving Arambol soon, and I started thinking about things good and bad, here and there.

Here are some of the things that came to mind...

Things I miss
about the US
Things I don’t miss about the US
Things I will miss
about Arambol
Things I won’t miss about Arambol
·   Hot showers
·   Tools that work (Jacob)
·   My bed
·   Oma & Opa
·   US friends and family
·   Drinking water from the tap
·   Milk that comes in cartons, not baggies
·   The ability to cook easily
·   Set prices that don’t change based on the color of your skin
·   Homegrown veggies
·   Homegrown eggs and our chickens
·   Thrift stores and garage sales
·   Mexican people
·   Real Mexican food
·   Cheap but good peanut butter
·   Good bread and cheese
·   Clean meat
·   Restaurants with health codes
·   Trash collectors
·   Art supplies at a reasonable price
·   Food Josiah can eat
·   Food without preservatives
·   My washing machine
·   Fireplaces
·   Pine and cedar trees
·   The Sierras
·   A mirror that I can see my whole self in
·   Flower gardens
·   Mixing my own henna
·   Soap that’s not slimy
·   Internet that works
·   Being able to get a lot of things done
·   Trader Joe’s
·   Public libraries
·   Having a phone
·   Blenders that work
·   Freedom to go places by myself
·   Surfers
·   Bike rides
·   Backpacking
·  Mockingbirds

·      People isolated in their own houses
·      Expensive vegetables
·      Snooty, mall-loving people who are so rich and don’t even think about the rest of the world
·      Hollywood media
·      Giant SUVs
·      Rap music blaring out of people’s cars
·      Brand name fashion
·      Cars and traffic
·      Over-regulation
·      US Politics
·      No one having enough free time to just ‘be’ together
·      Few people with similar ideals
·      The cost of living
·      Being so far from the beach
·      Cold oceans
·      Tons of soy-based food
·      Junkmail
·   Pigs running free
·   Friends at every turn in the road
·   People hanging out outside all the time
·   Not a lot of TV
·   Cheesy billboards and misspelled English signs
·   Rosario yelling some unintelligible thing
·   Curry plants
·   Swimming in the warm ocean water
·   Going to the beach every day
·   Scooters
·   Royal Enfields
·   Feeling like you could do any crazy thing and no one would even look twice
·   Friends from everywhere
·   Always being warm
·   Being tan
·   Live music
·   Creativity flowing
·   Living in a circus
·   Wild parrots and kingfishers
·   Monkeys in trees
·   Samosas, Uttapam, Dosas, and Puri Bhaji
·   Talking to people from all over the world
·   Going to meditation here
·   Kids playing soccer
·   Bhindis, bangles, and saris
·   Jogging on the beach
·   Elephants
·   The sunset gathering
·   People to drum with (Jacob)
·   Chai chai chai for 5 rupees
·   Dreads and tattoos
·   Guys wearing lunghis
·   Cool clothes for cheap
·   People juggling
·   Toothless and bow-legged old people
·   Seeing construction worker women in bright saris
·   Not a lot of laws (at least not many that anyone follows)
·   Goan Catholic ladies’ dresses
·   Maria’s sweet idli
·   Colors everywhere
·   Talking about spiritual things with almost anyone
·   The quicksilver ocean at sunset
·   Never knowing who you will meet today
·   Funny things in English that non-native English speakers say
·   Coconut palms
·   Strangers who smile at you
·   Hermit crabs
·   Sand art
·   Jaya’s cooking skills
·   Geckos on our walls
·   Indian children
·   Our parrot
·   Ants in my computer
·   Ants in my bed
·   Ants in my cooking
·   Ants in the sink
·   Ants in my clothes
·   ANTS
·   Power that turns off at any random time
·   Rosario yelling some unintelligible thing
·   Burning plastic smoke choking me
·   Trash everywhere
·   The inability to cook
·   Getting ripped off
·   “Mosquito Time”
·   Horns honking
·   Gypsies trying to sell you jewelry and sarongs on the beach every five minutes
·   Beggars, because you never know who is behind their begging
·   Sewage in the street
·   My kids being covered in dirt and sand
·   The chaos of a mob of children in the dirt and sand
·   Half-naked westerners and gawking Indian men
·   Cockroaches and rats and poisonous snakes
·   The putrid smell of Rosario’s bull
·   People trying to be  ‘cool’
·   Russian people arguing
·   Seeing construction worker women, because they work so hard for so little
·   Pollution
·   Corrupt police
·   Loan sharks and mafia controlling things
·   Idol worship
·   Having to bargain for almost everything you buy
·   Techno music
·   Cigarette smoke
·   Mold
·   Rampant fear and superstition
·   Beach dogs
·   Piles of poo
·   Cesspools
·   Being called ‘madam’
·   Men peeing all over
·   The smell of rancid coconut oil
·   Speedos with thong backs on fat hairy men
·   Crows
·   Not being able to find what you need without going all over the state
·   Goan music blaring out of crappy speakers on full blast
·   Cockroaches in my bathroom towel
·   Starving, sick dogs
·   Friends that leave with your heart L


  1. so are you coming back to santa rosa??

  2. Chrys, this made me laugh and cry. I'm so sad and happy for you guys. I wonder what it will be like to be home after such a whirlwind of an adventure ... I can only imagine you all just sitting and staring and each other and the walls for a couple of weeks just trying to soak it all in. I wish I could have been there with you and wish I could come home with you too. ;) Safe travels and love love love***

  3. Kim--Santa Rosa? I don't get it. How could we come back to Santa Rosa when we aren't from there? Do you know something I don't? :)

    Elisha--We will still be travelling for a good while before we make it home again! We wish you could have been here too...

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